Health though Dance
'Tanz Senioren & Seniorinnen', Konzert Theater Bern,
photo: Nathalie Jufer
Our sedentary and virtual lifestyle has imploded into an insidious epidemic – limiting the necessity for movement, effort and contact thus diminishing our natural reflexes, spatial perception, brain-body reaction time - disturbing circadian rhythms and provoking all manner of imbalances and dis-ease in the subtle, interconnected systems and rhythms of the organism – the immune, respiratory, cardiovascular, metabolic, bacterial, endocrine, histaminergic and neurological systems all communicate in a glorious rhythmic choreography.
Dance is quite literally in our DNA.
Dance is innate to all young children.
Dance provokes joy in participants.
Dance reboots the intra-system choreography,
Igniting life-enhancing rhythm in young and old alike.
Dance promotes a global health cohesion.